Soothe the Writing Chaos: How I Organize my WIPs

Writing a book is hard work--writing a book series even more so! How do authors keep track of all the characters and places and things? How do they avoid plot holes and inconsistencies? In the past, I tried notebooks, grids, slap dash Word documents, even spreadsheets and note cards. Each of those options has its … Continue reading Soothe the Writing Chaos: How I Organize my WIPs

Twilight Meets Jane Eyre: a 1940s Gothic Romance

Do you need more romance in your life? Were you a fan of Twilight and Vampire Academy? It’s okay, we all have our vices. Secrets of a Foreign Heart was written 16 years ago for my high school English class. It’s an indulgent gothic romance complete with murder and slow-burn love between brooding musicians–but the … Continue reading Twilight Meets Jane Eyre: a 1940s Gothic Romance